I write copy that people read. Copy that shapes your brand and grows your revenue. Copy that people can relate to and inspires action.

Together we can change lives for the better.


Welcome (bland, I know, but I enjoy simple manners).

I’m Lisa, a freelance copywriter who believes that being financially literate is possible for anyone who can read. It’s my belief that I can improve people’s lives by using my ability to tell a story. Even about things that people don’t usually consider to be story-like, like financial advice. I work with you to make sure that what you do counts and makes a difference in people’s lives.

If your curiosity demands a little bit more information about me, read the nitty gritty below!

I obtained a BA degree in English and Law in 1996, and topped it off with a Diploma in Copywriting in 1997. My diploma concluded with me winning a 3-month work stint with McCann Mauritius. After that, I worked for an advertising agency called O2 Communications. My main role was wonderfully varied. I wrote copy, conceptualised campaigns, managed clients, worked with production teams and elbowed in on strategy. In 2004, I got a degree in Music specialising in Classical Voice and Musicology. I did a lot of singing and a lot of writing. Soon thereafter I became a Mom to three gorgeous boys, a role I absolutely love. I slowly started fitting copywriting into my life again as our boys got older. It was an organic process, but I soon realised that I had the ability to write about money in a way that was relatable to consumers.

I niched my freelancing into Financial copywriting bouyed by the belief that understanding finances really could change lives. Now, together with my clients, I work to do just that every week. Change lives for the better!